Name God Is Enough
Address 1 671-489-5232
Category Womens organization

God Is Enough company is located at 1 671-489-5232. It is a business in the Womens organization sector.

God is Enough is a Womens Bible study group in Guam. We are a small group of women who have a variety of interest, education, and careers, but have a common love for God and others. We meet weekly to study the Word, pray, and encourage each other. Our first outreach as a group commences July 2021 as we identified a local public elementary school and teachers to provide support and encouragement as they return to the classroom after the most challenging year that has impacted our island, our nation and our world. Our goal is to provide support through prayer, encouragement and supplies, in hopes they know Gods love for them as they teach and care for our island children. God Bless our parents, students and teachers and God Bless Guam!